News Library
Infoterm will be hosting a Workshop on "Multilingual terminology and structured content" during the International conference "Everyday Multilingualism"
13-15 June Fachhochschule Eisenstadt
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tcworld conference 2008: Call for Papers
tcworld, the conference of tekom (German Association for Technical Communication) extends its English-language programme. Find below the Call for Papers. Deadline for sending proposals is 5 May 2008.
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1st CALL FOR PAPERS for 13th EURAS Workshop on Standardisation
For their annual interdisciplinary workshop, the European Academy for Standardization (EURAS) solicits papers on all aspects of standards and standardisation.
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GUM3C - Global Understanding in Multilingual, Multimodal and Multimedia Contexts
The World Language Documentation Centre, together with Bangor University and Language Standards for Global Business, wishes to announce a major multidisciplinary conference to celebrate 2008 as the International Year of Languages.
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Read the current issue of INL, TSH, BIT and STT!
You can download here the current issues of these Infoterm periodicals.
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