• English

Infoterm member TERMCAT, together with the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, creates an observatory on information society terminology

Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) and Termcat Terminology Centre have created Talaia, an observatory on information society terminology resulting from a collaboration agreement between both entities. The observatory gathers, from a semiautomated extraction and linguistic and statistical filtering techniques, Catalan, Spanish and English terminology published in UOC academic magazines, that study the effects and how ICT use influence people, organizations and society.

The aim of Talaia is to offer quality neological terminology in Catalan, Spanish and English, to facilitate specialised communications and favour multilingual work and study researches on emerging neology or terms having a relevant use among the specialists community. At present, the observatory contains now 168 Catalan denominations with the corresponding equivalents in Spanish and English from Artnodes, a magazine on art, science and technology. TERMCAT and UOC have predicted the gradual inclusion of terms coming from other academic magazines.

Talaia terminological content is descriptive and terms appear exactly as they have been published in the extraction text sources. However, each file adds an indicator that specifies the terminological evaluation status of the Catalan denomination. Each terminological file contains the following information: Catalan entry, Catalan  part of speech, evaluation status, Spanish equivalent, English equivalent, generic field, use frequency, relevance as a term, note and Catalan, Spanish and English use context, with the corresponding source.

Terms can be consulted using the alphabetical index, using the evaluation status index or using the search option, which shows all the files that contain the word consulted, in any part of it.

Find more information about TERMCAT and Talaia:

Last update: 2009-05-24

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