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Kick-off meeting for the European Business Platform for Multilingualism

The kick-off meeting for the “European Business Platform for Multilingualism” took place at European Commission’s headquarter in Brussels, on 22 September 2009, with participants invited by the Commission. Infoterm was represented and was instrumental in establishing the Platform as a self-governed ongoing committee, which will advise the EU Commission on issues related to multilingualism in industry.

Three areas of engagement were identified by the new Platform (to cover state-of-the-art, gap analysis and recommendations):
  1. Research and industry
  2. Technology
  3. Marketing and communication
focused on multilingualism in and for business.

Multilingualism became an issue within the European Union in 1990 already– not least due to Infoterm’s activities. It gained visibility through the EU Commission’s initiative of the “Multilingual Action Plan” (MLAP) 1993-1995. MLAP was followed by the small “Multiannual programme to promote the linguistic diversity of Europe in the Information Society” (MLIS) 1996-1998. During the MLAP phase, Infoterm contributed to the EU-Project POINTER (Proposals for an Operational Infrastructure for Terminology in Europe). The EU-Project TDCnet (European Network of Terminology Information and Documentation Centres) started in 1998 under the MLIS Programme. It was co-ordinated by Infoterm and completed in 2000.

See also Multilingualism: some Dates and Key Documents

Last update: 2009-12-01

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