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Promotion of standardization activities for eAccessibility and eInclusion

At the International Workshop „Accessibility and the contribution of International Standards“ organized by the World Standards Cooperation (WSC – comprising ISO, IEC and ITU) in Geneva on 3-4 November 2010 the topic of the 2010 World Standards Day of 14 October under the motto “Accessibility” was taken up and discussed in-depth. The WSC committed to prepare a coordinated comprehensive standardization strategy concerning “accessibility” for the next decades.

Infoterm contributed especially to the main theme "eAccessibility and eInclusion (in Information and Communication Technologies)" by emphasizing the increasing importance of content interoperability as promoted by ISO/TC 37 “Terminology and other language and content resources”. In this connection it also represented the EU-Project OASIS, where Infoterm took care of standardization activities with respect to content interoperability and ontology integration. The Recommendation on software and content development launched at the International Conference on Computers to Help People with Special Needs ICCHP 2010 (and endorsed in the meantime by several technical committees and organizations) was presented at the WSC Workshop and on other occasions.

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Last update: 2013-04-24

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