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Links and Resources on Terminology Policies and Planning

Guidelines for Terminology Policies

At the request of UNESCO, Infoterm has compiled the Guidelines for Terminology Policies in cooperation with experts from its network.

The various language versions may be downloaded:

Guidelines for Terminology Policies (en)

Principes Directeurs sur les Politiques en Matière de Terminologie (fr)

Riglyne vir Terminologiebeleide (af)

 Directrices para Polticas Terminolgicas (es)

 Linee guida per le politiche terminologiche (it)

 رهنمودهاِیی برای سیاست های اصطلاح شناسی: تدوین و اجرای سیاست اصطلاح شناسی در جوامع زبانی (fa)

  Smjernice za terminološke politike (hr)

Richtlijnen voor terminologiebeleid (nl)

Wytyczne polityki terminologicznej (pl)

术语政策指南 (zh) 

On the basis of the above Guidelines for Terminology Policies, the Subcommittee ISO/TC 37/SC 1 has developed the standard ISO 29383:2010 Terminology policies – Development and implementation. [more...]

National Language and Terminology Policies

A South African Perspective by Mariëtta Alberts (PanSALB)

Case study: Colombia by Cecilia Plested (University of Antioquia, ICONTEC)

Irish Terminology Policy by Helena Ní Ghearáin (University of Limerick)

Guidelines for the Standardization of Terminology of the Welsh Assembly Government Translation Service and the Welsh Language Board by Delyth Prys and Dewi Bryn Jones

Terminology Policies and Change Management by Gabriele Sauberer (TermNet)

Terminology Policies - Standardization by Christian Galinski (Infoterm)

 Vision of Terminology Policy by Bassey E. Antia (University of Maiduguri, Nigeria)

Corporate Language

Corporate language and terminology planning in the global enterprise by Matthias Heyn (SDL/Trados, Germany)

Domain Dynamics – Reflections on Language and Terminology Planning by Heribert Picht (formerly Copenhagen Business School, Denmark)

Terminology Planning

Infoterm Publications related to Terminology Planning

International Health Terminology Planning by Pierre Lewalle (WHO)

Terminologieplanung ist weit mehr als Sprachplanung - und betrifft (fast) jeden by Anja Drame

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Last update: 2012-07-05

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