CELAN - The Network for the Promotion of Language Strategies for Competitiveness and Employability
The EU-project CELAN - The Network for the Promotion of Language Strategies for Competitiveness and Employability – started in January 2011. Its aims are to improve the competitiveness of European enterprises, to define new skills for new jobs, to enhance employability, and to match training opportunities with market needs.
Infoterm’s main role is to investigate and evaluate the language technology tools and language-related services as well as online content repositories on the market. This investigation will be complemented by a survey and evaluation of existing standards in order to describe their usefulness and to detect gaps. As a result the tools which are mature, affordable and user-friendly as well as services which are high-quality, affordable and suitable for enterprises will be identified.
The main objective of CELAN is to close the obvious discrepancy between the language-related needs of enterprises and the already existing language-related tools and services on the market.
For more information about CELAN, please read the blog
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Last update: 2011-10-14