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CEN Workshop on 'Multilingual eCataloguing and eClassification in eBusiness' (WS/eCAT) (since 2002)

Products and services are sold in the language of the target market. eCommerce and eBusiness  can only function well if the virtual marketplaces and all their major elements (product classification schemes, user interfaces, product catalogues, etc.) are multilingual from the outset.

Initiated by Infoterm and TermNet, CEN/WS/eCAT was set up by the European Standards Commission (CEN) with the support of the European Commission. From 2002-2006, CEN/WS/eCAT produced six CEN Workshop Agreements dealing with various aspects of eBusiness Cataloguing and Classification.

Since 2008, CEN/WS/eCAT has been chaired by the Director of Infoterm, Dr. Christian Galinski.
  • CEN WS/eCAT-ePPS on “Electronic Product Property Server in support of product description and classification in eBusiness” (2008-2009). The ePPS project delivered a CWA (16100:2010) on “Guidelines for the design, implementation and operation of an electronic product property server”.
  • CEN WS/eCAT-CC3P on “Classification and Catalogue systems for Public and PrivateProcurement” (2008-2010). The project delivered a CWA (16138:2010) containing an analysis of the main classification systems used in Europe for public procurement and some used in the private sector.
  • CEN/WS/eCAT-CMap on "Classification Mapping for open and standardized product classification usage in eBusiness” (2011-2012). The cMap project builds on the above CC3P project, the results of which halion schemes and to faciliate an aligment on mapping in the future. It also defines an architecture and a governance mechanism for a mapping platform in terms of building blocks and its requirements. The project delivered the CWA 16525:2012, which also includes the classification mapping tables.
For further information, please see here

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Last update: 2013-01-30

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