ETB - The EuroTermBank Project
The EU-Project “Project Collection of Pan-European Terminology Resources through Cooperation of Terminology Institutions” (in short: EuroTermBank or ETB) focused on the harmonisation and consolidation of terminology work in the new EU member states after 2004. Infoterm contributed under the ETB project partner Cologne University of Applied Sciences by providing its experience with copyright questions and business model aspects. The final report of the ETB Project can be found here.
The ETB Project aimed at transferring experience from other European Union terminology networks and accumulating competencies and efforts of the accessed countries, such as Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland, which faced inconsistency and lack of coordination in terminology development, the fragmentation of terminology resource across different institutions, as well as structural and technical incompatibilities of existing terminology collections.
Since 2007 ETB is open to all EU member states and interested countries and organizations outside EU and offers a one-stop gateway to optimised term bank and top European terminology resources through a consolidated interface. Through the harmonisation, collection and dissemination of public terminology resources, ETB strongly facilitates enhancement of public sector information and strengthen the linguistic infrastructure particularly in the new EU member countries.
The ETB Consortium has published a summary of the key results and findings of the project in the form of the monograph Towards Consolidation of European Terminology Resources. Experience and Recommendations from EuroTermBank Project, a complimentary copy of which can be obtained here.
For more details, see
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Last update: 2011-10-14